Updated: 2017-10-21 17:52:30 CST +08

Building Minimize Golang Executable Docker Image with Alpine Linux


Building a minimize golang docker image to save image upload time and repository space.

The final image is only about 10 MB.

Step by Step

Docker version above 17.05

  1. Use multi-stage builds, Notice:

    • naming stage on FROM by as
    • copy stage file by COPY --from
    # Start from Alpine Linux image with the latest version of Golang
    # Naming build stage as builder
    FROM golang:alpine as builder
    # Install Git for go get
    RUN set -eux; \
        apk add --no-cache --virtual git
    # Set ENV
    ENV GOPATH /go/
    ENV GO_WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/dinos80152/golang-docker-alpine/
    # Set WORKDIR to go source code directory
    # Add files to image
    # Fetch Golang Dependency and Build Binary
    RUN go get
    RUN go install
    # Start from a raw Alpine Linux image
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Install ca-certificates for ssl
    RUN set -eux; \
        apk add --no-cache --virtual ca-certificates
    # Copy binary from builder stage into image
    COPY --from=builder /go/bin/golang-docker-alpine .
    # Execute binary when docker container starts
    CMD /golang-docker-alpine
    # Expose port 8080 to be connected from outside
    EXPOSE 8080
  2. Build image

    docker build -t golang-docker-alpine .
  3. Test

    docker run -p 80:8080 -d golang-docker-alpine

Docker version lower than 17.05

  1. Write Dockerfile for compiling source code to binary on alpine linux

    • DockerfileSrc
    # Start from an Alpine image with the latest version of Go installed
    FROM golang:alpine
    # Install Git for go get
    RUN set -eux; \
        apk add --no-cache --virtual git
    # Set ENV
    ENV GOPATH /go/
    ENV GO_WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/dinos80152/golang-docker-alpine/
    # Set WORKDIR to go source code directory
    # Add files to image
    # Fetch Golang Dependency and Build Binary
    RUN go get
    RUN go install
  2. Build image from DockerfileSrc

    # build app binary on Alpine OS with golang package
    docker build -t dinos80152/golang-docker-alpine-src -f DockerfileSrc .
  3. Copy binary from container to host

    # Copy app binary from container to host
    docker cp $(docker create dinos80152/golang-docker-alpine-src):/go/bin/golang-docker-alpine ./
  4. Write Dockerfile for building image include app binary and pure alpine linux

    • DockerfileBin
    # Start from a raw Alpine image
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Install ca-certificates for ssl
    RUN set -eux; \
        apk add --no-cache --virtual ca-certificates
    # Copy binary into image
    ADD golang-docker-alpine /
    # Execute binary when docker container starts
    CMD /golang-docker-alpine
    # Expose port 8080 to be connected from outside
    EXPOSE 8080
  5. Build docker image from DockerfileBin

    # Build docker image with pure alpine os and app binary
    docker build -t golang-docker-alpine -f DockerfileBin .
  6. Test

    docker run -p 80:8080 -d golang-docker-alpine


Function time.LoadLocation() will panic in binary image, because of

LoadLocation looks in the directory or uncompressed zip file named by the ZONEINFO environment variable, if any, then looks in known installation locations on Unix systems, and finally looks in $GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip.

You have to set $GOROOT and copy zoneinfo.zip manually.


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