Project Management |
The Mythical Man-Month |
人月神話 |
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Joel on Software |
約耳趣談軟體:來自專案管理的現場實錄 |
More Joel on Software |
約耳續談軟體:探究軟體經營的根本實學 |
Process Management |
Thinking in Systems |
系統思考 |
reading |
The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement |
目標:簡單有效的常識管理 |
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Critical Chain |
關鍵鏈:突破專案管理的瓶頸 |
It’s Not Luck |
絕不是靠運氣:創造事業與人生的雙贏 |
Necessary But Not Sufficient |
仍然不足夠:ERP加TOC的企業電腦畫新境界 |
People Management |
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams |
Peopleware:腦力密集產業的人才管理之道(增訂版) |
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The Silo Effect |
穀倉效應 |
abandoned |
激發員工潛力的薩提爾教練模式 |
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The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization |
第五項修練: 學習型組織的藝術與實務 |
The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong |
彼得原理 |
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How to Win Friends & Influence People |
人性的弱點 |
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The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters |
這樣聚會,最成功! |
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Programming |
代碼之髓 |
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The Art of Readable Code |
易讀程式之美學 |
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Code Craft |
編程創藝 : 編寫出卓越的程式碼 |
Code Complete |
軟體建構之道 |
Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices |
敏捷軟體開發,原則、樣式及實務 |
Implementation Patterns |
Kent Beck 的實作模式 |
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The Art of Unit Testing |
單元測試的藝術 |
reading |
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Clean Architecture |
無瑕的程式碼:整潔的軟體設計與架構篇 |
Data Structure & Algorithms |
Introduction to Algorithms |
算法導論 |
Programming Pearls |
编程珠玑 |
Refactor |
Clean Code |
無暇的程式碼 |
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Working Effectively with Legacy Code |
修改代碼的藝術 |
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code |
重構:改善既有程式的設計 |
Refactoring to Patterns |
重構–向範式前進 |
Head First Design Patterns |
深入淺出設計模式 |
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Design Patterns |
設計模式 |
Database |
How does a relational database work |
如果有人问你数据库的原理,叫他看这篇文章 |
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Computer Science |
How Program Works |
程序是怎樣跑起來的 |
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools |
編譯系統設計 |
Software Engineering |
The Phoenix Project |
鳳凰項目:一個IT運維的傳奇故事 |
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The Unicorn Project |
獨角獸專案 |
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Continuous Delivery |
Continuous Delivery 中文版 |
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software |
領域驅動設計 |
Software Architecture in Practice |
軟件構架實踐 |
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture |
企业应用架构模式 |
The Twelve-Factor App |
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Programmer |
Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman |
學徒模式-優秀軟體開發者的養成之路 |
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The Clean Coder |
無瑕的程式碼番外篇 |
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The Pragmatic Programmer |
程序員修煉之道︰從小工到專家 |
reading |
Soft Skills: The Software Developer’s Life Manual |
Soft Skills 軟實力|軟體開發人員的生存手冊 |
The Productive Programmer |
程式設計師提升生產力之秘笈 |
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The Zen Programmer |
程式設計師之禪 |
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Security |
白帽子講Web安全 |
Agile |
Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, Xp, Lean, and Kanban |
Agile 學習手冊:Scrum、XP、精實和看板方法 |
The Elements of Scrum |
敏捷與Scrum軟體開發速成 |
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SCRUM:The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time |
SCRUM:用一半的時間做兩倍的事 |
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笑談軟體工程,敏捷開發法的逆襲 |
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Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both |
看板和 Scrum 相得益彰 |
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User Stories Applied:For Agile Software Development |
用户故事与敏捷方法 |
Javascript |
JavaScript: The Good Parts |
JavaScript:優良部分 |
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Modern PHP |
現代 PHP:新的特點及良好習慣 |
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Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan |
Laravel - 从百草园到三味书屋 |
Golang |
Go coding in go way |
Go语言编程思维去写Go代码 |
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Effective Go |
reading |
Go at Google:Go語言實際上手 |
reading |
Business |
Rework |
重来:更为简单有效的商业思维 |
The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary |
大教堂与集市 |
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup |
惡血:矽谷獨角獸的醫療騙局!深藏血液裡的祕密、謊言與金錢 |
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Life |
逍遙之樂:傅佩榮談《莊子》 |
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Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure |
蛤蟆先生去看心理師 |
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The Art of Loving |
愛的藝術 |
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The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness |
Headspace 冥想正念手冊 |
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